Hello readers, this is post is for instrumentation and control engineers who have finished their course and searching a jobs. I will show you some of the best places to find instrumentation jobs in online.
Oil Careers
A best website to search jobs based on oil and gas sector, with more than 23 job categories you will be able to find a perfect job for your talent in your desired location. Register an account and upload your CV and select a perfect job.
Website: http://www.oilcareers.com/worldwide/
Info Oil Careers
A site which contains more than 18,000 jobs related to instrumentation and control with region and country refinements option for searching jobs. This site receives 1200 new jobs post each week from its recruiters.
Website: http://careers.infooil.com/
Automation Jobs
If you are searching for very specific jobs like R&D, supervision, Process Control and alike then this is site is best for you to start, because this site offer lots of filters not only job and regions but also for area of interest and expertise.
Website: http://automationjob.com/en/home
Times Jobs
Want a job in India as an Instrumentation engineer, use this site to search jobs because this site has got an option for searching jobs based on location in India.
Website : http://www.timesjobs.com/jobskill/instrumentation-Jobs
Norton Bowers
A very simple looking site but has much effective and good recruiters in it. Give it a try, you will sure find interesting job opportunities from all over the world. Upload your CV and see the jobs.
Website : http://www.nortonbowers.co.uk/candidates/register/
Misco Jobs
This company publishes majority of positions worldwide in Mining, Petroleum and Oil, Gas, Construction and Environmental industries. It Provides you 20 Versions of Resumes for better job. Best place to try jobs for a fresher.
Website : http://www.miscojobs.com/
I will update this post whenever i find a good instrumentation jobs site. Comment me below.
Oil Careers

Website: http://www.oilcareers.com/worldwide/
Info Oil Careers
A site which contains more than 18,000 jobs related to instrumentation and control with region and country refinements option for searching jobs. This site receives 1200 new jobs post each week from its recruiters.
Website: http://careers.infooil.com/
Automation Jobs
If you are searching for very specific jobs like R&D, supervision, Process Control and alike then this is site is best for you to start, because this site offer lots of filters not only job and regions but also for area of interest and expertise.
Website: http://automationjob.com/en/home
Times Jobs
Want a job in India as an Instrumentation engineer, use this site to search jobs because this site has got an option for searching jobs based on location in India.
Website : http://www.timesjobs.com/jobskill/instrumentation-Jobs
Norton Bowers
A very simple looking site but has much effective and good recruiters in it. Give it a try, you will sure find interesting job opportunities from all over the world. Upload your CV and see the jobs.
Website : http://www.nortonbowers.co.uk/candidates/register/
Misco Jobs
This company publishes majority of positions worldwide in Mining, Petroleum and Oil, Gas, Construction and Environmental industries. It Provides you 20 Versions of Resumes for better job. Best place to try jobs for a fresher.
Website : http://www.miscojobs.com/
I will update this post whenever i find a good instrumentation jobs site. Comment me below.